how to solve 1st layer of rubik?


Solving the First Layer of the Rubik's Cube: A Step-by-Step Guide

The Rubik's Cube, also known as the "mind puzzle," has enthralled and challenged solvers worldwide since its introduction in 1980. Solving the first layer of the cube is an essential skill for those wishing to master the challenging 3D puzzle. In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to solve the first layer of the Rubik's Cube, also known as the "blue side" or "white side."

1. Identify the Starting Position

The first step in solving the first layer is to identify the starting position. The starting position for the first layer is as follows:

- Every corner cube should be in the "corner" position, with one color on each side.

- Every edge cube should be in the "edge" position, with one color on each side.

- The center cube should be in the "center" position, with one color on each side.

2. Identify the Basic Moves

There are four basic moves that you will use to solve the first layer. These moves are:

- Cross: Moving two adjacent cells in the same column on the same layer.

- Flick: Moving three adjacent cells in the same row or column simultaneously.

- Ladder: Moving three adjacent cells in the diagonal direction simultaneously.

- Single Turn: Rotating a cell 90 degrees around an axis passing through two adjacent cells.

3. Perform the Basics

Start by performing the cross move on the bottom row. This will put you in the following position:

- Every corner cube should be in the "corner" position, with one color on each side.

- Every edge cube should be in the "edge" position, with one color on each side.

- The center cube should be in the "center" position, with one color on each side.

Next, perform the flick move on the second row. This will put you in the following position:

- Every corner cube should be in the "corner" position, with one color on each side.

- Every edge cube should be in the "edge" position, with one color on each side.

- The center cube should be in the "center" position, with one color on each side.

Repeat steps 3 and 4 for the third and fourth rows, respectively. You should now be in the following position:

- Every corner cube should be in the "corner" position, with one color on each side.

- Every edge cube should be in the "edge" position, with one color on each side.

- The center cube should be in the "center" position, with one color on each side.

4. Identify the Final Moves

Now that you have the first layer solved, it's time to identify the final moves to solve the second layer. These moves are:

- Pair Break: Moving two adjacent cells with the same color together on the same layer.

- Single Turn: Rotating a cell 90 degrees around an axis passing through two adjacent cells, with the opposite cell on the same layer.

5. Perform the Final Moves

Start by performing the pair break move on the bottom row. This will put you in the following position:

- Every corner cube should be in the "corner" position, with one color on each side.

- Every edge cube should be in the "edge" position, with one color on each side.

- The center cube should be in the "center" position, with one color on each side.

Next, perform the single turn move on the second row. This will put you in the following position:

- Every corner cube should be in the "corner" position, with one color on each side.

- Every edge cube should be in the "edge" position, with one color on each side.

- The center cube should be in the "center" position, with one color on each side.

Repeat steps 5 and 6 for the third and fourth rows, respectively. You should now be in the final position:

- Every corner cube should be in the "corner" position, with one color on each side.

- Every edge cube should be in the "edge" position, with one color on each side.

- The center cube should be in the "center" position, with one color on each side.

6. Check and Adjust

Finally, check your work and adjust any incorrect moves as needed. Once you are satisfied with the result, you have successfully solved the first layer of the Rubik's Cube!

Solving the first layer of the Rubik's Cube is an essential skill for those wishing to master the challenging 3D puzzle. By following this step-by-step guide, you will be well on your way to mastering the Rubik's Cube. Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep working on your skills and you will soon be solving the cube like a pro!

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